Thursday, February 19, 2009

Latest doctor visit and possible new due date

Hopefully everyone can see the baby in the photo to the left!! I went to the doctor again yesterday and they did another ultrasound to confirm how far along I am. But that's getting ahead of myself...let's start at the beginning because my favorite nurse ( her name is Joanne....but that's not important since I just think of her as "evil nurse") was there to greet me. She asked for the usual urine sample...and of course I could only give a trickle. She actually didn't say anything about it though! Then I hop on the scale. I watch her move the weights around...she then walks off to write the weight down without saying what it is (looked like 175...still WAY more than my scale at home!). I am thinking...hmmm I just might get through my dealings with her without incident. But no...then she comes to take my blood pressure and looks at me and says in a nice snotty voice "Your face looks sunburned. Have you been using a tanning bed?" So, I said "of course not! I was in Florida!" She said "oh" like she was bummed she couldn't give me a lecture on tanning beds and pregnancy. Then started to tell me she was going to Florida in March. Do I care? Not so much.

I am finally done with her at that point and then head to the doctor's office to prepare for the wonderful Papsmear. When the doctor comes in I mention that I might have a yeast infection, which he immediately confirms (yippee!). Then I tell him that everyone thinks I am having twins or am further along than I think. He said if I am sure about my last period then I just need to tell people to shut up! :) I love this man. He does say we'll do an ultrasound to see if we're on track though. Then he pulls out the Doppler to listen for a heartbeat. It's hard to hear at first, but then the racing heart comes through. It was so cool! I wish Kevin could have been there for that!!

Next up I am told to wait for the ultrasound tech who is supposedly on her way. Well...she shows up about 45 minutes later. I was about napping at that point! We go into the room and this time we do the abdominal ultrasound...which I prefer! She pulls up the screen and my heart skips a actually looks like a baby!!!! Crazy stuff! I could see the head, face, body and a foot (although Kevin thinks it is a boy and he's well hung...yeah). She did some measurements and she put me at between 12 weeks 2 days and 12 weeks 5 days, so about a week further than we thought. She said my EDD would be August 31st. She mentioned that if it's a boy that is good because he will start school later because of his age and I guess boys need that extra time. That's too far down the road for me to think about! Then she also pulled up the heartbeat, which was easier to hear now. She put it at 158 bpm....I'll have to look at one of the gender posts below to see where that falls! I mentioned to her too that both Kevin and my brother were in the 10lb range when they were born and she said "wow...I feel sorry for you then! Hope you don't have to go through that!" too!!

So we wrapped up and I spoke with the doctor one last time. He thinks we should keep my due date at September we'll see what happens. Other than that I was good to go. No twins (sorry Missy) and I am right on track. So now...I can start telling people to shut up when they comment on my belly!!!! :) Since my mood swings are still alive and well I should have no problem with that!

On a seperate note...the baby went to it's first wedding over the weekend. My friends Frank and Nicole got married in Florida. It was beautiful! The baby wanted to dance...but mama got tired VERY quickly and sat on the sidelines quite a bit. It was a little tough not to have some wine...but I survived! Next's first concert! We're going to see New Kids on the Block for my birthday. Hopefully the baby will let me stay up and enjoy the shows!! Stay tuned!


  1. YAY for just 1 baby!!!

    I hope he/she cooperates with your birthday NK plans.

    You can use the horomones as reason to tell anyone to shut up at any time, take full advantage of it =)

  2. My guess 9 lbs 8 oz and coming SEPTEMBER 8th!!!!!
