I am currently 19 weeks and 3 days along (give or take a day)...so basically halfway through my pregnancy and still in the second trimester, which I hear called "the honeymoon phase." Well...I beg to differ! True, I have most of my energy back, which is nice, but I will take sleep over the crazy hormone shifts I am going through any day! From day to day, minute to minute, I can go from happy, to angry (not just mad, but ANGRY), to crying tears that won't go away. I have never been on such an emotional roller coaster in my life! As you all know, I am one of the most easy going, always smiling people out there. Now, it takes every ounce of effort I have not to snap at people, or to not cry if someone asks me a simple question!
On top of that, I am in the "is the baby going to be ok?" "Am I going to know what the heck to do?" "are we ready for this?" stage. I can finally REALLY feel the baby move, which is AWESOME, but because it is still small, I only feel it every once in awhile so I worry if it's moving enough, or am I too fat to feel it? I have been looking forward to this appointment on the 16th for awhile, mainly to find out the sex, but now I look forward to these appointments to be told that everything is ok. It probably doesn't help that I got not so great news at the last 2 appointments...so I am in need of a good news appointment!!
Thanks to everyone for listening. I needed to get this all out!! Luckily I have been reading and talking to other expectant mothers online who are due in September who are going through many of the same things I am, so it helps to know I am not alone!
Can't wait for Kevin to get home for good. I need him to take care of me!
poor baby girl....things will never be the same....but I can promise you won't feel this crazy again....unless you decided on a baby #2.