Saturday, September 5, 2009
Due date has come and gone...
Monday, August 24, 2009
The final days...hopefully!
I know, I has been ages since I posted on here. I think it's a sign of how much I am done being pregnant! The newness has worn off and now I am just large and miserable...hard to be witty on blog when you hate to pull yourself out of bed! But enough whining...let me update everyone on the craziness of the last few weeks and the days to come!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Sorry for being MIA!
- Stopped working on July 23rd. Just too miserable and doc suggested staying off my feet due to the swelling and occasional BP spike, so I took advantage of it
- Put an offer on a house and we close on Aug 6th as long as things keep progressing the way they are
- Work threw me a baby shower on the 23rd. I felt so much love!!
- Mom's shower on the 25th...started at 2pm and ended at 8:30am the next morning!! I, of course, didn't last quite that long!
- Baby now has more clothes than mama!
- 3 friends have had their babies in the last month...I am ready to be next!!!
Friday, June 26, 2009
The up side and down side of pregnancy
Today was my 30 week appointment. I had a lot of questions this time around because I have started to have some new symptoms. I got in and started with the usual pee in a cup, which by the way has become a MUCH easier task now that there is a baby sitting on my bladder! Also there is a new, young nurse who is super nice, so the whole experience is more pleasant than in the beginning. After that I was weighed and according to the chart I have gained 29 pounds so far. Not too bad. I wanted to stay between 25 and 30 and it looks like I will go over a little, but still not bad. Recommended weight gain is 25-35 pounds so we're doing good, which is amazing considering my diet the last 8 months (Did someone say McDonald's?)! The nurse then said that my hemoglobin was low, so they needed to get a little blood sample to check my iron. It's a little on the low side, but nothing to be worried about. I also had some sugar in my urine so they did another blood test to check my glucose, but that was also fine. So far so good! When it was time to see the doctor, I mentioned that I had been cramping the bast 2-3 days, with some feelings of nausea and headaches. I had already read that these can be signs of pre-term labor, so I was a little worried. She decided to check my cervix just to be sure all was ok and it was...still shut tight (this is good since I swear baby's head is pressing as hard as it can "right there" so good to know he can't get out yet!). She checked for a bladder infection too, but I was clear there, so the cramps are just another joy of pregnancy to go with the aches and pains and swelling. I mentioned I had got off easy in the beginning with no morning sickness, so she said the pregnancy was going to make up for that now. Yea! We listened to the heartbeat and it was good...136 bpm. She measured my uterus and said I was measuring 2 weeks big, which seems to be the norm now. We discussed that from now on we will be monitoring the size of the baby and if he does seem to be big we may look at a c-section, but for now we'll assume he'll come out just fine. We'll have more info after my ultrasound on Tuesday as well.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
A glimpse inside the womb
Saturday was the big day when we got to see what our son was going to look like! I think I was pretty anxious about this, because I had nightmares the week leading up to it, all about not getting to the appointment in time, issues when we got there, etc. But Saturday came and all seemed ok. Chris and Emmy came up to go with us and my parents to the 3D office. They have it set up like a mini movie theater....stadium seats and a 120" screen to show the images on. It was pretty cool. While we were waiting for my appointment time, we sat in the waiting room being our usual silly selves. Taking silly pictures of each other pretending to pick our noses, and being obnoxious. I am sure the people working there loved us! Finally it was my turn. The whole experience was kind of surreal. It's one thing to see the normal 2D ultrasound and kind of guess what your looking at, but in 3D there is no question. She showed us he was definitely a boy first. Then the next 25 minutes are spent just capturing various images and watching him move around in there. The ultrasound tech at one point asked how far along I was, and when I said 28 weeks she didn't really say anything. So Kevin asked if the baby looked big for that time and she said no, he looked small! That was the first time we had heard that!! They don't give medical advice at this place though so I am only going to take that with a grain of salt. I go back to the specialist at the end of the month for one last u/s so we'll see what they say then.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Oh my aching feet!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Bonding with baby
Lots of things coming up in the next few weeks! Next week is another New Kids concert as well as going to see Jersey Boys. I expect some dancing in my belly!! The week after we go for the 3D ultrasound. We are SUPER excited about that!!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
We got all of the furniture moved into the nursery today and put away a few of the things we have acquired so far. Now it's just waiting for the bedding decor and of course the baby! We decided not to paint since we're house hunting and figure why waste the time when we want to move soon. The rocking chair was my mom' dad gave it to her for her first mother's day 35 years ago! More pics once it's more put together....
Saturday, May 16, 2009
24 weeks...the thrid trimester is looming!
I wish I could figure out the photo positioning thing better! These are from Mother's Day weekend. Anyway...
Monday, May 4, 2009
Swollen, party of 1
For the past few weeks now I have noticed that by the end of the day my normally obvious ankle bones have disappeared! My rings are getting tight and I would rather be barefoot than put on a pair of shoes! This morning though the swelling seemed to be ready to go right from the get go! I could barely get my rings on at all and my fingers looked like little sausages. As soon as I woke up this morning my hands were tingling and felt like they weighted 10lbs a piece!
Then there's the aches! I didn't expect to be this uncomfortable until about the 8th month. But here we are on the eve of month 6 and I feel like I have arthritis! The weather seems to be making it worse...lots of rain and severe weather here in Georgia. My back is killing me and my hips feel like they are coming apart all together (which I guess in a way they are). My body pillow I was so excited about a month ago is going flat and no longer gives me the sleeping pleasure it once did. :( Do I sound whiny yet? I am!
Sitting for hours on end at work isn't fun anymore either. I try to get up regularly so my muscles don't cramp up. But I can feel myself walking around belly first and feel like a little duckling trying to get my balance! I have also been having a hard time judging just how far my belly sticks out, so I tend to run into things more. And I still have HOW LONG to go?
I'm due for some new belly pics so I will take some this weekend when everyone is over. We'll be celebrating my mom's birthday, Mother's Day and our 1 year wedding anniversary (where did the year go??) on Saturday. Hope this rain is all gone by then!
Thanks for letting me whine! It was much needed!!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Updated baby name poll...please vote again!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
It's a boy...part 2
Friday, April 17, 2009
It's a boy....part 1
Monday, April 13, 2009
Am I going crazy??
Monday, March 30, 2009
The silliest gender predictor yet!
"The day you deliver, outside will be sunny. Your baby will arrive in the early morning. After a labor lasting approximately 16 hours, your child, a boy, will be born. Your baby will weigh about 4 pounds, 10 ounces, and will be 20-1/2 inches long. This child will have medium amber eyes and a lot of black hair. "
Um...I think my baby weighs 4 pounds already! Ha ha! Anyway, I thought this was funny enough to share.
We will be letting everyone know the TRUE gender on April 16th. I go in for my next sonogram then and Kevin will be there so we're going to finally find out the sex! Any wagers out there??
Monday, March 16, 2009
Another concert for baby and first celebrity meetings!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Baby's first concert!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
A little bruised after seeing "Dr No Bedside Manner"
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Latest doctor visit and possible new due date
Hopefully everyone can see the baby in the photo to the left!! I went to the doctor again yesterday and they did another ultrasound to confirm how far along I am. But that's getting ahead of myself...let's start at the beginning because my favorite nurse ( her name is Joanne....but that's not important since I just think of her as "evil nurse") was there to greet me. She asked for the usual urine sample...and of course I could only give a trickle. She actually didn't say anything about it though! Then I hop on the scale. I watch her move the weights around...she then walks off to write the weight down without saying what it is (looked like 175...still WAY more than my scale at home!). I am thinking...hmmm I just might get through my dealings with her without incident. But no...then she comes to take my blood pressure and looks at me and says in a nice snotty voice "Your face looks sunburned. Have you been using a tanning bed?" So, I said "of course not! I was in Florida!" She said "oh" like she was bummed she couldn't give me a lecture on tanning beds and pregnancy. Then started to tell me she was going to Florida in March. Do I care? Not so much.
I am finally done with her at that point and then head to the doctor's office to prepare for the wonderful Papsmear. When the doctor comes in I mention that I might have a yeast infection, which he immediately confirms (yippee!). Then I tell him that everyone thinks I am having twins or am further along than I think. He said if I am sure about my last period then I just need to tell people to shut up! :) I love this man. He does say we'll do an ultrasound to see if we're on track though. Then he pulls out the Doppler to listen for a heartbeat. It's hard to hear at first, but then the racing heart comes through. It was so cool! I wish Kevin could have been there for that!!
Next up I am told to wait for the ultrasound tech who is supposedly on her way. Well...she shows up about 45 minutes later. I was about napping at that point! We go into the room and this time we do the abdominal ultrasound...which I prefer! She pulls up the screen and my heart skips a actually looks like a baby!!!! Crazy stuff! I could see the head, face, body and a foot (although Kevin thinks it is a boy and he's well hung...yeah). She did some measurements and she put me at between 12 weeks 2 days and 12 weeks 5 days, so about a week further than we thought. She said my EDD would be August 31st. She mentioned that if it's a boy that is good because he will start school later because of his age and I guess boys need that extra time. That's too far down the road for me to think about! Then she also pulled up the heartbeat, which was easier to hear now. She put it at 158 bpm....I'll have to look at one of the gender posts below to see where that falls! I mentioned to her too that both Kevin and my brother were in the 10lb range when they were born and she said "wow...I feel sorry for you then! Hope you don't have to go through that!" too!!
So we wrapped up and I spoke with the doctor one last time. He thinks we should keep my due date at September we'll see what happens. Other than that I was good to go. No twins (sorry Missy) and I am right on track. So now...I can start telling people to shut up when they comment on my belly!!!! :) Since my mood swings are still alive and well I should have no problem with that!
On a seperate note...the baby went to it's first wedding over the weekend. My friends Frank and Nicole got married in Florida. It was beautiful! The baby wanted to dance...but mama got tired VERY quickly and sat on the sidelines quite a bit. It was a little tough not to have some wine...but I survived! Next's first concert! We're going to see New Kids on the Block for my birthday. Hopefully the baby will let me stay up and enjoy the shows!! Stay tuned!
Monday, February 9, 2009
Beware.....mood swings!!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Another gender test
It's a boy if:
You didn't experience morning sickness in early pregnancy
Your baby's heart rate is less than 140 beats per minute
You are carrying the extra weight out front
Your belly looks like a basketball
Your areolas have darkened considerably
You are carrying low
You are craving salty or sour foods
You are craving protein -- meats and cheese
Your feet are colder than they were before pregnancy
The hair on your legs has grown faster during pregnancy
Your hands are very dry!!!
Your pillow faces north when you sleep (I have no idea on this one)
Dad-to-be is gaining weight, right along with you
Pregnancy has you looking better than ever
Your urine is bright yellow in color
Your nose is spreading
You hang your wedding ring over your belly and it moves in circles (kinda...)
You are having headaches
You add your age at the time of conception and the number for the month you conceived and the sum is an even number
It's a girl if:
You had morning sickness early in pregnancy
Your baby's heart rate is at least 140 beats per minute
You are carrying the weight in your hips and rear
Your left breast is larger than your right breast
Your hair develops red highlights
You are carrying high
Your belly looks like a watermelon
You are craving sweets
You are craving fruit
You crave orange juice
You don't look quite as good as normal during pregnancy
You are moodier than usual during pregnancy
Your face breaks out more than usual
You refuse to eat the heel of a loaf of bread
Your breasts have really blossomed!
Your pillow faces south when you sleep
Your urine is a dull yellow color
You hang your wedding ring over your belly and it moves from side to side
You add your age at the time of conception and the number for the month you conceived and the sum is an odd number it looks like a lot more for boy at this point! I can't wait to see what turns out to be the right one! That's 3 for boy and 1 for girl. :)
Friday, January 30, 2009
From embryo to fetus...
Monday, January 19, 2009
Bye bye to the kitties!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Gender Predictors
One thing we noticed during our shopping spree was that until you know what you are having it is hard to find anything to buy. Baby clothes are very gender specific. Girls are pink princesses and boys like tractors and dinosaurs. Kind of sexist, but we'll go with it. :) Of course it is WAY too early to know what we are having (let alone be shopping for it...but tell that to the grandmas!) so what is an expectant mother to do? Turn to an ancient Chinese gender predictor!! I had seen one on one of my "I'm Pregnant" websites early on and I had a number of my friends and co-workers try it out and all but one said it was accurate. So...according to this "scientific" source I am having a girl. This is calculated by looking at what age I was when the baby was conceived and the month of conception. Ok...girl it is.
But wait! Today I get an email from my Aunt Tina with a Chinese Gender Predictor attached and it is done by using the age I will be when the baby is born and the month of conception. This time I am having a BOY! what? So I go back to the all knowing internet to look for a tie breaker. I find a calculator that finds your Chinese lunar age (you know the Chinese all want boys, so they have tons of calculators out there!) and uses that to determine sex.
So the tie breaker winner? Boy!
Ok, am I going to run out and sign my little tadpole (or is it a whale? What is that spinning thing over to the left of the blog?? Alien?) up for hockey and buy all blue? No....I think I will wait for the medical community to tell me something a little more concrete. In the mean time, I am on the D's for girl's names in a book of over 100,000 baby names. I may get through the book by the time the baby is born. Maybe.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
First doctor's alive!!
Lastly, I had to give a bunch of blood samples. Kevin chose to sit this part out. I warned the nurse, because last time I had been intheir office, they must have poked me 10 times trying to find a vein. She actually got it on the first try!! She said she was from Dracula's country, so she had no problem drawing blood. I thought that was funny! :)
My next appointement is in 2 weeks so I will have more to report then and maybe a new picture of the yolk. :)
Now, back to Kevin. I came home last night and when I opened the door, he had candles lit all over the house! It was beautiful!! He had a bottle of champagne chilling, along with a can of Ginger Ale of me since I can't drink! He poured us our drinks in champagne flutes and we toasted to our new life. It was wonderful and it made me so happy! I know we are both a little scared about how this is going to change our lives, but I think we're ready for the challenge!
Monday, January 5, 2009
First prenancy post
So, where to start? I guess let's start at the beginning. Kevin and I decided that I would go off the pill in September (well, I decided, he went along with it). At that point, I went online and signed up for 2 different fertility calendars so I would know when our "prime opportunities" were. The first few months were pretty quiet. Then December came and we joked that we weren't going to getting pregnant any time soon because he was scheduled to be in Florida for work for the entire time my calendar said we should be trying to conceive. Nice. fate would have it we beat the odds of the web and conceived anyway!!
I was due to have Aunt Flo visit on Christmas Day...nothing like having her in for the holidays (my last cycle started on Thanksgiving so it was apropos). I had what I thought were PMS symptoms all week leading up so I had no reason to think she wouldn't show. Well that day came and went as well as the next and the next. By Sunday I wasn't feeling well (that may have been due to the festivities the night before too...shhh!) so I bought a pregnancy test on the way home. Kevin ended up falling asleep on the couch shortly after I got home so I went upstairs to see what the test would say. I have taken a few pregnancy tests in my day and usually the wait seems SO slow while the results come up. Not this time. I think the double lines appeared immediately and shouted out to me from the stick. I stood there in shock for a minute, then just smiled. I was happy....but how to tell Kevin. He has been less than eager for kids, to be honest, but after some long talks he was willing to try. Now that this was a reality I wasn't sure how he would take it. I decided to wait to tell him until I went to the doctor for confirmation. In the mean time I went on eBay and ordered a Korn onesie I had seen (his favorite group) so I could soften the blow when I told him. :)
The next day all I could think about was that I was going to have a BABY!! Work...well not much got accomplished that day. I knew I had to go home and tell Kevin that night. I couldn't get into the doctor until Jan 7th, over a week and a half away, and I knew I couldn't hold it in for that long. So I went home and waited for him to get home. When he got there I asked him to sit down with me on the couch. He was immediately on guard. I put my arm around him and showed him the positive test. He said "what does this mean?" I realized the words were upside down so I turned it over and showed him that the 2 lines meant pregnant. He sat there in shock for a few minutes...then said he needed a shot. If you know Kevin at all, this is not a surprise for him! I then showed him a pic of the onesie I had ordered, which he liked. We talked for a bit then he picked up the phone and started calling people. He started with my mom...this is the first grandchild for my parents. She started crying she was so happy. Next was his mom, who started screaming. Good reactions from both. :) He also called his step mom and his Dad and they were both very excited too. I think it helped Kevin to hear how excited everyone is.
Once the news was spilled to the parents it didn't take long for it to spread. My mom emailed everyone she knew that night to share and before long it was all over Facebook. That meant telling my co-workers since most of them are on there. So the news is out...a little earlier than I would have liked, but oh well. We are excited and I can't imagine keeping this in for another 2 months until I was further along!
So....depending on which site I go to, I am between 5 and 6 weeks along. I'll add one of the countdown clocks to the blog once I go to the doctor and get his opinion. Estimated due date at this point is September 3rd.
So, post 1 down....many more to hopefully follow along with photos, etc. I want to share this with everyone, so enjoy the ride!